

Articles | 2023-07-25

Pedro Matias Pereira signs article in Public Procurement Review

Pedro Matias Pereira, Managing Associate of the Administrative and Public Procurement Practice, is the author of the article entitled "Removal of the automatic suspensive effect in pre-contractual litigation in contracts financed by European funds - Comment on the Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 6.10.2022 (proc. 025/21.2BERT)", published in the 32nd edition of the Revista de Contratos Públicos (Public Contracts Review) by CEDIPRE - Centre for Public Law and Regulatory Studies and Almedina Publishers.

The TELLES lawyer, who specialises in administrative law, analyses the automatic suspension applicable to pre-contractual disputes. In the context of an analysis of a Supreme Administrative Court decision, the text addresses the relation between pre-contratual disputes and the implementation of European funds, namely whether the loss or reduction of funds should be an interest to be taken into account by the administrative courts.

The Revista de Contratos Públicos aims to contribute to the development of the science of the administrative law of public contracts, to which it intends to give a practical meaning, in order to constitute a kind of guide or auxiliary guide for contracting authorities and market operators.

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