

Articles | 2023-04-13

TELLES launches a guide on the Main Amendments to the Labour Code

The TELLES Labour and Social Security team has just launched a practical guide with a summary of the main amendments to the Labor Code (Law n.º 13/2023, of April 3).

In summary, we highlight the changes published in the scope of the following matters:

  1. Combating job insecurity
  2. Reinforcement of parenting and reconciliation of work and family life
  3. Greater transparency of labor relations
  4. Valuing collective bargaining
  5. Reinforcement of the system's guardianship

It should be noted that the most relevant amendments come into force from May 1, 2023, and employment contracts concluded before their entry into force are subject to amendments to the Labour Code, except for the conditions of validity and effects of past facts or situations.

See, below, the Guide to the Main Amendments to the Labour Code.

Guide on the Main Amendments to the Labour Code

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