

News | 2022-04-19

Ivone Rocha signs article about the Right to the Climate

Ivone Rocha, managing partner of the Environment & Climate Change area of practice at TELLES, is the author of the opinion article entitled “The Right to the Climate”, published in Expresso.

The lawyer specializied in the environment and climate change sector says that “Portugal has given force of law to a new right, the right to the climate”.

According to Ivone Rocha, “this law even lays the foundations for the creation of a new item in tax benefits, where sustainable consumption options can have increased tax compensation, using the language of the legislator, the Green IRS”.

“The present law is clear, the implementation of climate policy is the responsibility of the State, but it requires interaction and establishes the creation of a new body, the Climate Action Council (CAC)”, she adds.

The truth is that the success of its execution is doubly essential, from the beginning to the desired reduction of emissions and climate combat, but also, to the construction of a new model of prosperity, a decarbonized and circular economy”, highlights the TELLES lawyer specialized in Climate Law.

Read the full article here. (PT)

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