

News | 2025-02-14

José Pedroso de Melo and João Dotti de Carvalho talk about tax incentives in the labour market

José Pedroso de Melo, Counsel of the Tax practice area, and João Dotti de Carvalho, Managing Associate of the Labour and Social Security Practice at TELLES, participated in the APQuímica webinar on "Tax Incentives in the Labour Context", promoted by Associação Portuguesa da Química, Petroquímica e Refinação.

The objective of the initiative was to clarify what changes the current framework as result of the approval of the State Budget for 2025 and discuss what it will bring in terms of tax incentives applicable to the national labour context.

The webinar, organised in partnership with TELLES, was aimed at members of APQuímica (Associação Portuguesa da Química, Petroquímica e Refinação) and APQuímica's partner associations.

[The initiative was held in Portuguese.]

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