

News | 2025-03-13

TELLES contributes to the publication 'Cadernos IVA 2025'

The TELLES Tax team is once again taking part in ‘Cadernos IVA’, a publication promoted by the Portuguese Catholic University under the coordination of Professor Sérgio Vasques, which brings together articles by authors specialising in VAT matters, from law and consultancy firms, academic and business world.

In the 2025 edition of ‘Cadernos’, José Pedroso de Melo, counsel in the Tax practice area at TELLES, and Ana Moreira da Silva, an associate in the same practice area, participate with the article entitled “Ainda a Distinção Donativo/Sponsorhip no Mecenato Cultural: Por uma Positivação Descomplexada”.

See the publication here (only available in Portuguese).

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