

Notícias | 2024-04-10

TELLES é novamente recomendada pelo The Legal 500

A TELLES acaba de ser destacada pelo prestigiado diretório internacional, The Legal 500, em 12 áreas de atuação. Destaque para a entrada da área de Banking and Finance, coordenada por Márcio Carreira Nobre, na categoria Firm to Whatch.

Na categoria individual, foram reconhecidos 40 advogados da TELLES com 50 nomeações individuais, com destaque para Ivone Rocha, sócia coordenadora das áreas de Energia e Recursos Naturais e Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas, que é considerada Leading Lawyer na área de Energia e Recursos Naturais e os sócios Abílio Rodrigues e José Maria Cabral Sacadura que são reconhecidos como Next Generation Partners em Direito Fiscal.

Destacamos alguns testemunhos dos nossos Clientes:

‘TELLES has a very complete team of lawyers. The work of TELLES is of high quality in its areas of specialisation, being one of the reference firms in the Portuguese legal market.’

TELLES is truly a unique company in terms of the quality of service it provides to its clients. It is a firm that has shown exponential growth in recent years, with a strong, truly national presence, covering all areas of law.’

I highlight the quality of the services, the rigour, the technicality, the teamwork, the concern and compliance with the deadlines requested for the response, the prompt availability and kindness.’

‘TELLES has great knowledge of the business and understands how legal topics can be articulated with the requirements of different businesses.’

‘Quick response, clearly and succinctly to resolve the problem. With the support of the team, we were able to follow up on the need quickly and accurately.’

‘The lawyers we worked with were, at all times, available, professional and clear. Even when the work involved the participation of interns, they had the necessary superior support to provide the services in a way that gave us the necessary confidence in the conclusions and consequent decisions adopted.’

‘What I appreciate most about the services provided by TELLES is the availability of the team and the ability to understand reality and business needs, addressing legal solutions to issues that arise, without compromising the necessary rigour and compliance with applicable legal provisions.’

‘High technical knowledge, experience, strong practical sense, collaboration with the client to evaluate various scenarios, assertiveness in interventions, extraordinary ability to communicate with the company’s various teams.’

‘The team’s client focus is exceptional, with a client-centric approach that sets the team apart in terms of service and responsiveness.’


O diretório reforça o posicionamento da TELLES que se tem destacado pela prestação de serviços jurídicos de excelência e valor acrescentado, transversal às áreas de atuação do escritório, prestado por cerca de 150 Advogados que constituem a equipa da TELLES.

O The Legal 500 é considerado um dos mais prestigiados guias no mercado jurídico a nível mundial, que se dedica à análise comparativa de escritórios de advogados. Esta análise baseia-se na opinião dos clientes, do mercado e também o track-record de operações e assuntos de cada equipa em cada área de especialização e nas competências distintivas de cada sociedade de advogados.

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